The average scalp is known to have 100,000+ hair strands. People generally lose approximately 100 hair strands a day which is quite common. But what if you are experiencing excessive hair fall? It can be a matter of concern. If not stopped, you will go bald very soon.
Importance of hair
Besides making you appear beautiful, your well-being and health can be noticed through your hair. Those emotionally and physically healthy will reflect in their hair that will be shining and radiant. In case, you are bothered with something, then it will become lifeless, dull, and start to fall out. This results from traumatized sebaceous glands getting overproduced.
Stress types and hair fall
Emotional or physical stress may result from illness, surgery, or injury. This, in turn, may result in two hair loss types `alopecia areata and telogen effluvium. Hair, in the later type, stops growing. It falls about 2-3 months later. However, you can expect it to grow within 6-9 months. But in the former type, white blood cell attacks the hair follicles and baldness occurs in patches.
How to treat stress?
Stress is something desired in moderation to help us stay motivated to complete a task. But if it becomes excessive, then it will take a toll on your physical health as well as your scalp and hair health. Stress-related hair loss can be treated by identifying the root cause of stress. Accordingly, work towards eliminating it from life.
Factors causing stress
Money and work problems are the main causes of stress. Poor quality sleep, lack of exercise, fatigue, and dietary intake are other factors considered to cause stress. By implementing some simple tips, it is possible to overcome stress in life. It also promotes healthier hair. You can consult the leading hair restoration surgeon to find out if you are eligible for Fue Hair Transplant London.
Tips to eliminate stress
- Relax completely: Working all day throughout the week builds up stress in the body and mind. You need some fun and entertainment to unwind. You may meet new people, go out on small trips, get a massage, party with friends, etc. Indulge in something that you love to do.
- Eliminate worries: Excessive worrying may lead to anxiety and stress. Ignore the problem for some time and then attempt to solve the same. This way, you can relax as well as tackle the problem more efficiently with a less worried and anxious mind.
- Positive mindset: Life is not perfect. Be optimistic. This way, even if you have huge problems, you are likely to experience less stress. It will also promote healthy, well-nourished hair that you will love to style as per your choice.
- Exercise: You should take out some time every day to undertake different types of physical activities. It can be yoga, meditation, sports, aerobic activities, stretching, Pilates, etc. They can help provide relief from stress and also do wonders for your hair health. The benefits derived from exercise are quite visible.
Avail modern remedy
If you have lost a considerable amount of hair due to stress, then you should consult a hair specialist. You may be suggested to avail FUE hair transplantation procedure that can help grow back hair on your head.