An All-Inclusive Guide to Hide TP-Link Repeater Network Name

By Oscarjack 5 Min Read

A question often asked about TP-Link WiFi repeater security nowadays is “Is there a need to hide the SSID of my repeater?” Well, the answer to the question is a big YES. If you hide the network name or SSID of your device, no hacker or unauthorized user will be able to access it and steal your personal information. Continue reading this post and learn about how to hide TP-Link repeater SSID by accessing the setup wizard.

How to Hide TP-Link Repeater Network Name?

  1. Power On Your TP-Link Repeater

Start the process by plugging your TP-Link wireless repeater into a wall socket. Thereafter, press the Power button and wait for the power LED to become green.

Make sure that the wall socket into which your repeater is plugged is free of damage. In case it isn’t, it is recommended that you plug your WiFi device into another wall socket.

  1. Connect Your WiFi Devices

The next step in line is to create a connection between your TP-Link wireless range extender and your home router. Thus, get hold of an Ethernet cable. Connect one end to the extender and another to the router. If you want, you can also connect your devices with the help of a wireless source.

Note: If you decide to connect your devices using an Ethernet cable, make sure that the connection between them is not loose. Otherwise, you might face technical issues.

  1. Open an Internet Browser

Done connecting your wireless devices properly? Good. Now, switch on your computer and open an internet browser of your choice on it.

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Whether you use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Opera, or any other browser, make sure that it is running on its updated version. Additionally, it should be free of cache and browsing history.

  1. Perform TP-Link Repeater Login

Type the default web address in the address bar of your internet browser and press the Enter key. In a few seconds, you will find yourself on the TP-Link wireless repeater login page. When prompted, input the default username and password of your device and click the Log In button to proceed further.

Note: If you are not sure about the default login credentials of your TP-Link repeater, it is recommended that you refer to the user manual.

  1. Hide the Network Name (SSID)

Once the Quick Setup wizard comes into view, go to the Settings menu. Click the BASIC option and navigate to the Wireless section. Tick the Hide SSID option and hit Save. In a matter of minutes, the changes that you have made to your TP-Link repeater will get saved.

If after following these guidelines, you are unable to hide the network name of your TP-Link wireless repeater, it might be because of an outdated firmware. Thus, in order to update the TP Link firmware of your device by following the guidelines mentioned below:

How to Update TP-Link Repeater Firmware?

  • Switch on your PC.
  • Open an internet browser according to your preferred choice.
  • Download the latest firmware version for your repeater and then extract the file.
  • In the address bar of your browser, type the web or IP address and hit Enter.
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Note: Do not enter the web or IP address in the search bar of your internet browser.

  • Once you have reached the TP-Link repeater login page, input the admin details.
  • Click the Log In button.
  • On the Quick Setup wizard, go to Settings.
  • Click System Tools > Firmware Update > Browse > Upload.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions.

Note: Do not perform any background activities on your device while the firmware is getting updated. Or else, the process might get disrupted.

If you are not comfortable updating the firmware of your TP-Link wireless repeater manually, then consider using the TP Link app for the same purpose.

Now that you are done updating the firmware of your TP-Link wireless repeater, try to hide its network name. Did you get any luck this time?

Wrapping Up

With that, our guide on how to hide the network name of your TP-Link repeater has come to an end here. Let us hope that the aforementioned troubleshooting hacks will help you hide the SSID of your device. Now, no hacker or unauthorized user will be able to steal your personal information without your consent.

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