Exploring the Reasons to Equip Your UTV With a Side-by-Side Roof Rack

By BullEyes 4 Min Read

Off-roaders across the country are on a mission to find new ways to ramp up their utility task vehicles. Some are looking for more performance whereas others want more utility. Regardless of what you hope to gain from adding aftermarket parts, there are plenty of options at your disposal. From purely aesthetic and recreational add-ons to functional components, you’ll find virtually anything you have in mind. 

Looking at the Advantages of Installing a Roof Rack on a UTV

Roof racks are among the more popular aftermarket UTV components currently on the market. A side by side roof rack can certainly give you an array of added benefits. Consider some of the ways installing a roof rack on your UTV could pay off. 

More Cargo Capacity

One of the most obvious advantages of a roof rack is increased cargo capacity. The small size of UTV is among their many benefits. That gives you mobility and maneuverability in different off-road situations. Of course, it doesn’t leave a lot of extra room for tools and gear. A roof rack will bridge the gap. It’ll give you a space on top of your side-by-side for stowing and hauling anything you need to take along for your outings. You’ll be able to maximize the space your UTV has to offer so you can be equipped for any job. 

Added Versatility

Roof racks can also provide added versatility. Several styles are available, and many are adjustable, so they allow you to haul items of all shapes and sizes. Whether you’re carrying spare tires and other parts for the UTV itself or hauling hunting gear and camping equipment, you’ll be able to pack them onto your roof rack. With the right roof rack, you can even modify it to accommodate different types of cargo to suit your changing needs. 

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Securing Your Loads

UTV roof racks also give you more ways to safely secure your cargo. They have multiple places for attaching ratchet straps, bungee cords, and basic ropes to them to keep your loads securely in place. That makes hauling loads safer especially when you’ll be traveling over rough, uneven terrain. With your loads secured, you won’t have to worry about them shifting and causing injuries. Losing expensive tools and gear because they’re not tied down properly won’t be a problem, either. 

Better Weight Distribution

Better weight distribution is another reason to install a roof rack on your side-by-side. If a load’s weight is unevenly distributed, it could make your UTV more likely to roll over. When you’re packing all the weight of a load into the bed of a UTV, it may be difficult to divide everything out equally. At the same time, it changes the vehicle’s center of gravity and may place too much weight on the back. If you can divide the weight between the bed and the roof and distribute it evenly in both places, being unbalanced won’t be as much of a problem. A balanced load makes for a safer ride. 

Boosting Your UTV’s Utility

Roof racks can help boost the utility aspect of your UTV in many ways. They’ll give you more load-carrying capacity and more flexibility to haul the items you need to take off-road. Beyond those factors, roof racks can make your UTV safer. They provide more opportunities to secure your cargo and allow you to distribute the weight of those loads more evenly. Though roof racks are only one of the aftermarket parts available, they’re certainly an essential piece of the puzzle. 

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