Recycling Cardboard Boxes Packaging and Unpacking Them

By Oscarjack 12 Min Read

Recycling cardboard and providing a memorable unboxing experience serve as powerful marketing tools which increase customer engagement, boost recommendation, and boost repeat sales. In this blog, you’ll find information about un-packaging and recycling of cardboard, which is not only good for your business but also for the environment.

An unforgettable unboxing experience serves as a powerful marketing tool that increases customer engagement, boosts recommendations, and secures repeat sales. A physical package connects physical worlds with digital worlds.

Cardboard Packaging

Unboxing has become an integral part of online shopping these days. The increasing customer expectations necessitate getting the corrugated cardboard boxes packaging right to make your brand memorable and recommendable. If you want to stand out from your competitors, what will the customers experience when they open your package?

Ensure your parcels can be opened easily to create anticipation

An exciting experience can be receiving a parcel. There’s something nostalgic about opening new gifts – who doesn’t enjoy them? Cardboard boxes and tape printed with your brand can enhance the delivery experience. Your brand is connected to a positive customer experience this way.

As well as making your packages easy to open, you must ensure that they are not frustrating to customers. Perforate or add tear strips to boxes and bags so they are easier to open.

Detail-oriented preparation of in-box presentations

Packaging presentation and protection are key to a memorable unboxing experience. People don’t want their parcels to be damaged after opening them. Goods can be delivered safely when they are packaged properly, such as with paper cushioning or air cushions.

As many people complain about excessive packaging, it’s important to find the right balance between protecting your cardboard packaging and not over packaging. In addition to protecting yourself, how can you distinguish yourself from the crowd? Detail-oriented thinking is key. Add a finishing touch to your outer pack branding by:

  • Printing on the inside of the box
  • Tissue paper with a brand name
  • Ink and Stickers
  • An exquisite ribbon
  • Samples of products

Wherever possible, consider personalization

It is also a good idea to extend your attention to detail by personalizing your packaging. A personal touch on the unboxing experience can make customers feel appreciated. It is easy to customize labels and stickers on packing benches. To add an extra special touch, you could write your notes by hand on personalized cards.

Ensure that packaging can be returned and recycled

Most people prefer to choose a brand with an easy returns process, while almost three quarters of people feel that returns are an essential factor in choosing a retailer. So, it makes sense that all packaging cardboard boxes you use should be suitable for returns and returns information should be included in your unboxing experience.

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Sustainability should also be considered. Almost three quarters of people are willing to pay more for sustainably packaged products, according to 25% of consumers who believe packaging they received was not environmentally friendly.

Thus, using recyclable and recyclable packaging is ideal. Whenever almost all households recycle, clear instructions are also necessary, in addition to clearly labeling how to dispose of the packaging.

Use connected packaging to go the extra mile…

Your unboxing experience is probably evolving in addition to what you do already. Is connected packaging something you should consider? An accompanying browser-based app connects consumers to relevant content and experiences via QR codes, barcodes, or image recognition codes printed on packaged items.

The level of customer experience is heightened due to the integration of physical and digital touch points. With a barcode scan of your packaging, you can produce an interactive web page with content the customer will be interested in, as well as a complex augmented reality show.

What is the process of recycling cardboard?

Each local authority collects and recycles cardboard from homes and many businesses around the globe, which makes it one of the most widely recycled materials.

Cardboard recycling: how it works

The cardboard that you throw into the recycling bin after your custom cardboard packaging (CCP) box has completed its task is now recycled. But what about the cardboard that you throw away?

Cards are separated and de-duplicated

Prior to recycling, cardboard needs to be prepared. Before sorting the boards, it is necessary to distinguish between boxboard and corrugated box. There are different types of cardboard, so sorting is a crucial step.

The materials and processes used to make different types of recyclable products vary greatly, so certain types cannot be recycled for certain uses. Upon sorting cardboard into smaller pieces, it can be shredded into smaller pieces that can be used later more easily.

Pulped after mixing with water

Water is mixed with the shredded material in large tanks. It is called pulping when the cardboard is degraded in this way. Cardboard boxes are softened by the process and becomes suitable for making new products out of it.

A filter is used to remove the pulp

Usually, cardboard waste is not 100 percent board. The paper is nearly always mixed with tape, staples, and plastic packaging. Separating materials based on weight is done by centrifugal systems. Even small metal pieces can be removed using magnets. A filtered pulp can only be stored for the purpose of manufacturing new cardboard in the future if it has been filtered.

Addition of more water

In order to manufacture it, the pulp is combined again with water, forced, and blended. By doing so, the consistency will be optimized for use further down the line.

There is no set time to complete this stage and it will vary depending on the type and materials used to manufacture the cardboard boxes. A mixture can then be given additional characteristics, such as water resistance, by adding chemicals.

Rolling and drying the mixture

To turn this mixture into something more useful, it must be treated since it is made up of up to 90% water. Steam heating, vibrating conveyor belts and vacuum rollers can help at this stage.

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In order to make a sheet of paper resemble paper, you could roll it through rollers. As the cardboard thickness needs to be increased, the rollers are also used to add additional layers.

A new sheet of cardboard is created from the sheets

Several tons of brown paper are produced by this process. You can then layer them to make thicker cardboard by cutting them to size. In the manufacturing of corrugated cardboard, the sheets are ripped instead of rolled, resulting in a bumpy, crumpled appearance.

This creates a stronger box for our products. Even though paper factories and recycling plants have differing methods, the basic steps remain the same: crushing, grinding, pulverizing, separation, drying, sifting, pressing, and rolling.

Benefits of recycling cardboard for the environment

Making cardboard from new materials is always worse for the environment than recycling cardboard. According to general consensus, between 25% and 50% of energy can be saved through the manufacture of cardboard from recycled materials.

Recycling cardboard can also reduce virgin material use by as much as 70% to 100% and even reduce water consumption by as much as 99%. Recyclable materials already exist in the country, so the problem is circumvented.

Reusing cardboard will no longer seem magical or obscure when you become more familiar with the process and see it as something that makes sense economically as well as environmentally. There’s never a bad time to start recycling cardboard at your business

Cardboard waste recycling at home

Our discussion of cardboard recycling has covered some frequently asked questions. If you’re not sure what can be recycled in your area, you should always check with your local authorities, as this will differ widely from location to location.

Can I recycle cardboard?

You can usually recycle cardboard waste at your local recycling center as well as in household collection schemes. In addition to finding out what recycling programs are available in your area, the Recycle Now website also shows you recycling facilities located in your area when you enter your postcode.

Is it okay to recycle cardboard that has tape on it?

You should remove the sticky tape used to seal cardboard boxes before recycling them. There are many types of packing tape that cannot be recycled. Die cut boxes use a slotted closure system, which means no packing tape is needed.

Boxes of food that are made of cardboard can be recycled?

Recycling cardboard can only be done with clean cardboard. Food or grease-stained cardboard should be disposed of in the regular garbage can.

Is it possible to recycle pizza boxes?

As long as they are not greased or covered in food, pizza boxes can generally be recycled. Store-bought pizza usually comes in boxes wrapped in plastic, allowing them to be recycled and to be washed.

Are shiny cardboards recyclable?

Check with your local authority if shiny cardboard boxes are recyclable. There is an exception for glitter, however, so it is best to toss it in the trash.

Coffee cups made of cardboard can be recycled?

The coffee shop should be able to recycle the cups, because cardboard is usually not recyclable in household garbage collections. Customers who bring their own cups to coffee shops are often offered discounts.


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