Salesforce Employees Sign Petition to Have Company Stop Doing Business With NRA

By Oscarjack 2 Min Read

With images of the horrific and deadly shooting in Texas still fresh in their minds,  telling their bosses they no longer want to sell their software to the NRA.

Thousands of Salesforce workers have signed a petition asking the company to stop doing business with the gun rights group.

“The NRA uses Salesforce products to drive marketing and fundraising efforts,” said Carolina Milanesi capitalize on mass shootings.”

Milanesi tracks tech and said Silicon Valley is especially ripe for this type of in-house activism.

“I do really believe important, and right now we’re in a moment where power is in the hands of the workers more than the organizations.”

Walkouts at Google have happened over the company’s handling of sexul harrassment charges.

And at Netflix, denouncing the company’s decision to continue to work with comedian Dave Chappelle.

Even Salesforce CEO Marc be doing the right thing, or do you want to always be defending the next issue?”

As the Salesforce protest gathers steam on social media, employees said they feel optimistic changes will be made.

line up with those of the NRA, and that they have faith their leaders, will make the changes they want to see.

On February 14, gun control, with the teenage survivors leading the charge on demands for reform.

The backlash has centered on the National Rifle Association (NRA), an organization that nations and millions of members.

One big way that the NRA retains its members is through discounts on everything from car insurancrican pecial perks to members. On the NRA membership benefits page, it stresses the “access to hundreds of organization.

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