The Best Carbon Footprint Calculator for the Residence of USA, UK, and Other Countries

By Oscarjack 5 Min Read

Many people are there who want to calculate their carbon footprint and, in this guide, you will come to know about the best carbon footprint calculator and which is the right one for you. Some of the carbon footprint calculators mentioned here have been tested and the ratings have been done based on their all-inclusiveness across the main categories of the household consumer goods, services, food, housing, transportation, and so on. By doing this it has been revealed which carbon footprint calculators provide complete carbon footprint estimates and which of them are limited. 

Some of the best carbon footprint calculators are as follows – 

  • Best for the Residents of the USA – CoolClimate Calculator 

The CoolClimate calculator is one of the most all-inclusive carbon calculators which has been tested and designed for the people of the US. It comprises in its calculation the 4 main categories of household consumption, which shows the result of the carbon footprint and takes into account full major sources of the emissions of carbon footprint or personal emissions. 

You can plug into the granular data for every category as the calculator permits you to do so. It will ask for your yearly mileage from various methods in case of transportation. Plus, for housing, it will ask about your energy usage from all the important home energy sources. For food, you will have to put in your average daily servings of many different types of food that you consume. Most the carbon footprint calculators will ask how much meat you eat. 

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It is not like other carbon calculators, the CoolClimate calculator also comprises estimated amortized emissions from the construction of your home and manufacturing of your car. One thing very helpful reminder that a considerable percentage of your auto or residence’s carbon footprint comes from its production. But if you are not buying a new auto or a making a home in the year in which you are calculating, then you can easily minus these 2 amounts from your total, so that you can get an apt estimate of how much carbon was emitted that year through the carbon footprint tracking. 

  • Best for the Residents of the UK – WWF Footprint Calculator 

This calculator is the most user-friendly calculator present in the market. Instead of asking you to give apt numbers for your energy usage & yearly mileage -it will ask plain multiple-choice questions. Most of us don’t have the details in hand, that’s why it uses this method or ways. Plus, this is one of the most comprehensive ones and it comprises 4 main categories of household consumption. 

One of the most comprehensive features that you will see is its good and services and leisure section. It also comprises ‘simple’ and ‘advanced’ tabs that you can snap between. The simple tab is a default tab, which is good for a speedy calculation. But it is advisable that you choose the advance options for knowing your estimates better. 

  • Best for the Residence of Countries with No-Calculator – Carbon Calculator 

Besides this, you can also get a carbon footprint app. One of the things that you will notice is that the interface of this calculator is clunky or solid. It is an all-inclusive calculator. 4 main categories of household consumption comprises in this and it asks for specific numbers for everything from grocery spending to public transportation. You can also enter your country of residence. By entering the country of residence, you compare the footprint to your country’s average. 

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The people who are based in UK and USA should use the above-mentioned recommended carbon footprint calculator. Whereas, people residing in different countries can use the calculator fro third category. If you are living outside UK or USA, then the carbon calculator can give you inaccurate estimates. So, use an apt carbon calculator.

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