What Does The Term Alexa Traffic Rank Actually Stand For?

By Oscarjack 7 Min Read

Nowadays, almost everyone focuses on ranking higher on Google. After all, it’s how they can market their products effectively to say the least. So, it makes sense from that viewpoint.

However, due to being too involved into Google, most people end up forgetting about another critical metric – the Alexa traffic rank.

But, what is it, really? How does it work? Do you really need to focus on this aspect? And, if so, how should you work upon it?

In this article, we’ve offered some information that could answer all your queries perfectly. So, without making any further ado, let’s jump into the topic right away. 

Defining Alexa Traffic Rank – What’s It All About?

Alexa traffic rank, in essence, is a search engine-based ranking system that ranks all the sites available on the web. The procedure is usually done by calculating unique visitors arriving on your website regularly. The more people you have, the lower your rank is.

Here’s the thing, though.

While calculating, the Alexa traffic rank system usually considers a website’s bounce rate to be a critical metric. So, for example, loads of people are entering your site, but they’re also leaving the same within a few seconds. In this case, the visitor count will not increase. 

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How Does The Calculation Procedure Progress?

We’ve offered some information in this regard briefly in the previous section. However, now, it’s time to take a more in-depth look at the point.

As per the official website of Alexa, the calculation is done on two different aspects. Here is what you need to know about the same.

  • Average pageview (the number of times a particular URL or page has been viewed by the daily users of Alexa).
  • Unique daily visitors (the number of new people visiting your website daily, barring the bounce rate). 
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From here, the website with the highest combination of page views and unique visitors tend to rank at the top. And, then, the others are listed accordingly.

Is The Ranking Process Accurate?

The aspect of Alexa traffic rank is, indeed, an excellent way to learn about how your website is performing and all. Nonetheless, if we’re being honest, you cannot truly trust the process.

When compared to Google Analytics, the accuracy of Alexa’s ranking process falls short by quite a mile. And, this is usually caused due to two reasons –

  • Google has a much wider coverage and a better ranking structure than Alexa.
  • The data collection procedure is much faster and more efficient on Google.

Due to this reason, most people tend to use Alexa traffic rank for making a comparison at an earlier stage. For a more in-depth review, you should refer to Google or something as such.

Manipulating Alexa: Is It A Myth Or A Stroke Of Reality?

As per Search Engine Journal, your Alexa rank can be effectively manipulated. 

And, you can do this by curating a JavaScript function and opening a series of web page addresses from your web platform. Your aim will be to open each of them in a separate page so that it can increase the pageviews.

However, before you make a move, this process wouldn’t be ideal for your website’s UX. So, it’s better if you could leave it as is. Instead, we’ll ask you to improve the SEO of your site and ensure that it has an excellent UI from every point.

This, in turn, will lower your site’s bounce rate to some extent and help in keeping the readers for a prolonged period. Also, don’t forget to write better content to boost your on-page SEO as much as possible. Hopefully, this will help you out in achieving your future goal.

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Should You Check Your Alexa Ranking, Then?

The Alexa traffic rank system might be a little inaccurate. However, it can still work perfectly if you’re using it to keep an eye on your website’s performance. Please keep reading to gain more information in this regard.

  • To begin with, it can help you understand how your website is performing on the SEO front. You can also compare the metrics, like web traffic, with your competitors and see how you’re faring against them. It’s much easier and quicker.
  • Alongside ranking, Alexa can also provide you with a tool or two to optimize the SEO of your website. Besides, you can also get some reports on keywords that can improve your on-page SEO even more.
  • With Alexa, you can also identify the result of your recently-finished brand awareness campaign. Therefore, it’ll be much easier for you to understand what you must do to improve your branding and create a selling point.
  • Finally, Alexa can also tell you about blogs that you can publish on your website or as a guest writer. Additionally, you can also find out what type of content your audience is liking the most. So, you can work on that accordingly as well.

Final Thoughts

So, there you go. 

Hopefully, I could help you understand how crucial Alexa traffic rank can be for the overall betterment of your website. However, if you still have any queries or confusion regarding the same, I’ll encourage you to ask me.

The way to do so is to write the same in the comment section available below. It might take a little time for me to get back to you, but I’ll definitely answer you. That’s a promise!

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