Things to Do When Moving into a New House

By jhonduncen 4 Min Read

Moving in itself is quite stressful, and you must consider loads of things when moving into a new home.

Apparently, unpacking the boxes isn’t the only thing that you have on your mind. There are countless things to do that will enable you to finally settle into your new home.

For instance, you will have to learn how it functions and prioritizes the things you want to tackle first. Here is a quick to-do list of all things that you want to do when moving into a new house.

Read on to learn more!

Change the Locks

The potential cases of burglary are on a steady rise, which is why you will have to secure your house as a priority.

You will want to change the locks from the very moment you move. Make sure to change the locks to the main door, the backdoor, and the garage. If you haven’t built the house from scratch, you don’t know who else might have the key to your house, which is why it is absolutely mandatory to change the locks to the house.

Additionally, you might as well want to install one of the best home security systems to keep burglars off your property. By doing so, you will have the peace of mind that you have done the needful to save your property and your loved ones from potential burglars.

Walk through the House

You will want to make a complete walkthrough when you set foot onto your property before you start unpacking boxes. The house is completely empty at this point, which is a perfect time to assess and make final checks.

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You will want to ensure that the previous homeowners have made the much-needed repair. You will also have to ensure that all the things that were part of the home sale are indeed present. Double-check the doors, windows, switches, and power outlets to confirm that everything is working fine.

Make sure that the potential home seller has left you all the maintenance guides and warranties for reference. While performing a walkthrough, you can also make a plan for where you want to place your furniture.

Make a Plan

You will save yourself loads of time and effort by making a plan about where you will place your furniture. At this point, your house is completely empty, which is why you can look at it in terms of a plain canvas.

That said, while you might already know where you will want to place your furniture and decorative things, you will still want to give yourself some time to visualize how the setup will actually look.

Clean Thoroughly

You might want to clean high while the house is still empty. The thing about ceiling fans and lighting fixtures is that these don’t clean as often as the things that are positioned low. So, while you are setting up a room, you might want to start by cleaning the top first before you proceed to the things that are low near the floor. 

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