What are the Responsibilities of a Game Developer?

By Zain Liaquat 6 Min Read

With the passage of time, the gaming business in India is developing and growing. A lot of new chances and routes are opening up for the business, both domestically and internationally, as it experiences an upswing. For those who want to get a successful career, the gaming industry offers those aspirants a great opportunity. A game developer provides concepts. They also provide functioning prototypes of the games, they add interactive narration, and work on the game’s mechanics. The systems that are developed for games must be easy to use, grow, and maintain while still providing a satisfying user experience. So here in this article, we will be discussing the industry trends and the responsibilities to become a game developer.

Gaming Industry Outlook  

The global games market continued its growth momentum with $91 billion worth of revenue generated in 2016 and it has been predicted that this number will increase by another 8% to $105 billion by 2021.

In the year 2020, a trusted report showcased some interesting trends within the gaming industry. First and foremost, the global games market has grown steadily for several years and gained a very solid growth rate and consumers are showing no signs of fatigue.The video game market is thriving and is anticipated to keep growing. According to PwC’s Global Entertainment and Media Outlook 2022–26, the expansion will raise the value of the gaming industry globally to $321 billion by 2026. The digital space made a significant showing in 2016 as well with many new companies entering the scene and it is expected that 2017 will see more growth as these companies struggle to gain a foothold. In January, some of the biggest publishers released several games including EA’s FIFA 17, Activision’s Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, and Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed: Origins.

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Is Game Development in Demand?

Undoubtedly, game development is in high demand. In fact, it is one of the most demanding career options. it is in huge demand because gaming is so huge nowadays that the demand will only increase. In fact, most people are into video games nowadays, which has contributed to the growth of this career path. Not only that, but the industry is a highly lucrative one as well. So there’s never been a better time than now to consider game development as an option for your career!

Responsibilities of a Game Developer:

  • A game developer’s responsibility is to oversee the video game production process from start to finish. This includes conceptualizing, designing, and implementing the gameplay as well as managing finances and ensuring compliance with industry regulations.
  • A typical day for a game developer starts by reviewing all relevant information about their project, including designs, storyboards, and creative briefs. The developer then begins assigning tasks to the different teams involved in making the video game. These include programming, animation, levels design, graphics design, etc. The team will be divided into smaller groups that work on a specific aspect of the video game such as animation or level design while another group works on other aspects of the project such as graphics design or watching financial trends on international currencies. The developer usually directs the tasks of each of these groups and monitors their progress. During the course of the project, additional tasks may be assigned to a group if needed.
  • Meanwhile, the developer works on other aspects of the project that include ensuring that all the legal aspects of making a video game are followed, such as contracts with people or companies involved in the production, hiring contractors or finding independent contractors, and filing for copyrights for ideas used in production.
  • The developer also regularly meets with executives who offer feedback on their projects as well as review videos and reports submitted by team members working on various aspects of the development process. A developer’s responsibilities also include liaising with the research and development team in order to ensure that appropriate technology is used and that the accessibility of products delivered is good.
  • In some cases, developers are responsible for recruiting artists for the video game as well as coordinating with other stakeholders such as marketing staff, producers, or publishers in order to set up launch dates and budgets. They also brief marketing staff on various aspects of the marketing plan such as planned advertising campaigns or publicity events.
  • Developers also regularly meet with various stakeholders such as publishers in order to discuss suggestions or concerns about the video game production process. These meetings also help them keep executives who may be funding the video game informed about the progress and costs of their project.
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How Can You Become a Skilled Professional?

With the aid of game development courses, entry into the sector is the finest option. For those looking to break into the industry by learning the right skills, there are reputable institutions that offer game development courses.

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