Home Security Measures That Deter Burglars

By Oscarjack 3 Min Read
Measures That Deter Burglars

Did you know that every year one out of five Australian homes suffer from a break-in or burglary? It’s a major social problem that isn’t going away easily, despite law enforcement’s best attempts to stem the tide. It’s a sad fact of life that if you have something valuable, there is going to be someone out there who wants to steal it! Rather than relying on the police for protection, the best course of action is to take it upon ourselves to secure and defend our homes. The following are some of the things you can do to keep your home and family safe!

  • Roller Shutters – You have probably seen these on storefronts to protect large display windows from break-ins during off hours, but did you know they can be installed in your home as well? Their use is becoming more and more popular, and a lot of people have already installed Shutters in WA to give their homes a powerful added layer of protection! Roller shutters come in a wide variety of attractive colours and can be custom-designed to fit any door or window, their sturdy steel or aluminium construction defends windows and doors like a shell on a turtle! Pull the shutters down and keep the bad guys out!
  • Security Cameras – In recent years these have risen in prominence as a popular means of home protection. As the technology improved, the prices went down to a point where they were much more affordable for homeowners! Motion sensors allow the camera to move and focus on the source so you can have a better view of who or what is making the disturbance. It’s best practice to keep your cameras hidden, but we have also heard of placing one ‘dummy’ lens in plain sight as a distracting deterrent! if a break-in does occur, you have a video record, very powerful legal evidence that can also help catch the crooks!
  • Outdoor Lighting – Very often just the knowledge that they might be seen is enough to keep the creeps from creeping around your home. While it is recommended to keep at least one light on as a warning over the front entrance, installing motion sensor-activated lights at other sensitive points around the home, like the backyard and the garage, can be enough to send the thieves running for the shadows since they don’t know if it was turned on by a sensor, or a resident ringing the police!
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Preventing a crime with deterrents is always the best way to stay safe and secure!



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