What Are the Main Causes of Car Accidents to Watch Out For?

By Fahmeer Gull 8 Min Read

If you’ve been in a car accident, you’re likely familiar with that split second between realizing what’s about to happen and the actual impact. Your heart drops, time seems to slow down, and a single thought takes over: How did we get here?

Car accidents can happen in an instant, but they’re usually the result of a chain of events and decisions that led up to the crash. By understanding the most common causes of accidents, you can take steps to prevent them and drive defensively. We’ll walk through the major factors that result in collisions so you can keep them on top of your mind and avoid becoming another accident statistic.

Distracted Driving – The Sneaky Culprit

We’ve all been tempted to check a text message or quickly reply to an email while behind the wheel. But here’s the sobering truth: taking your eyes off the road for just two seconds doubles your risk of crashing. And at 55 mph, that’s like driving the length of a football field blindfolded.

Distracted driving leads to thousands of accidents in our state each year. But it can be a sneaky culprit because drivers often don’t realize when their attention has drifted. Don’t become a distracted driving statistic. Put down the phone and focus on the road. Your messages can wait.

Drunk Driving – Still a Deadly Problem

Over the years, Tennessee has made strides in reducing drunk driving through education campaigns and strict enforcement of DUI laws. But there are still too many drivers getting behind the wheel after having one too many.

Driving drunk slows reaction times, reduces coordination, and impairs judgement – a recipe for disaster on the highway. If you’ve had anything to drink, hand over the keys to a sober driver. Help spread the word to friends that drunk driving is unacceptable. We can make our roads safer by looking out for each other.

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Aggressive Driving – When Emotions Take the Wheel

We’ve all experienced that spike of adrenaline when someone cuts us off or tailgates too close. But when we let anger or impatience impact our driving, it often leads to reckless decisions – like speeding, unsafe passing, and erratic lane changes.

While it may feel satisfying in the moment, aggressive driving puts everyone on the road at risk. Take a deep breath and focus on driving defensively rather than emotionally. If needed, pull over until you’ve had a chance to cool down. We can’t control other drivers, but we can take responsibility for our own actions behind the wheel.

Fatigued Driving – As Risky As Drunk Driving

When you’re exhausted, driving can feel like a herculean task. Your eyes start to droop, reactions slow, and before you know it you’ve drifted into the rumble strip. Drowsy driving impairs judgement and performance much like alcohol and leads to thousands of accidents every year.

Don’t underestimate the dangers of driving while fatigued. If you notice the warning signs of exhaustion, pull over at the next rest stop. Rolling down the windows, singing along to music, and consuming caffeine can help briefly, but the only cure for tiredness is rest. Protect yourself and others by being well-rested before any long haul.

Environmental Factors Beyond Our Control

While driver errors cause most accidents, outside environmental factors also come into play. Hazards like slick roads, debris, or sun glare can quickly turn a minor mistake into a collision.

Rain, Fog, and Snow Reduce Visibility

Inclement weather causes nearly 1.2 million crashes each year. Rain, snow, and fog dramatically reduce visibility and create slippery road conditions. To drive safely in bad weather:

  • Slow down and increase following distance
  • Turn on headlights to see and be seen
  • Brake early and gently to avoid skidding
  • Avoid sudden steering inputs

Watch for Crash Hot Spots

Certain stretches of road see more accidents due to inherent hazards. These crash hot spots include:

  • Blind curves or intersections
  • Areas with reduced speed limits
  • Narrow bridges or construction zones
  • Steep hills or sharp turns
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Approach known trouble spots with extra caution, drive focused, and reduce speed in advance.

Beware of Falling Debris in the Road

From tree branches to tire treads, debris in the road accounts for over 51,000 accidents annually. Remain alert and look ahead to spot hazards early. If you can’t avoid debris safely, run over it slowly instead of swerving.

Sun Glare During Sunrise/Sunset

Bright sun glare during sunrise or sunset makes it hard to see the road, traffic lights, and other vehicles. To prevent glare-related crashes:

  • Wear sunglasses to reduce glare
  • Adjust your sun visor as needed
  • Slow down since you can’t see as well

How to Prevent Accidents Before They Happen

While some factors are out of your control, you can take proactive steps to minimize risks:

  • Allow enough time – Rushing leads to poor decisions. Leave early to account for traffic.
  • Focus fully on driving – Avoid distractions and tasks that take your eyes or mind off driving.
  • Scan ahead – Look well ahead to identify risks early. Check mirrors and blind spots often.
  • Keep a safe following distance – Use the 3-second rule and increase distance in poor conditions.
  • Obey speed limits – They exist for your safety. Slow down proactively before curves or intersections.
  • Drive defensively – Be alert for other drivers’ errors and have an “out” if needed.
  • Get enough sleep – Drowsy driving impairs you as much as alcohol. Don’t drive if you’re tired.
  • Check your vehicle – Ensure lights, wipers, tires, and brakes are in good working order before each trip.

If You’re in an Accident, Contact an Injury Lawyer

No one expects to get in a crash, but it can happen in an instant. If you or a loved one are injured in an auto accident, contact a car accident attorney at Pickford Law Firm for dedicated legal guidance. Request a free case review to discuss your options for maximum compensation.

With years of experience, they know how to investigate accidents, prove fault, and fight for the outcome you deserve. Call today.

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