How Do I Get a Fair Payout From a Tightfisted Auto Insurance Adjuster?

By Fahmeer Gull 6 Min Read

Dealing with insurance companies after a car accident can be frustrating. You likely just want to focus on healing and getting your life back to normal. But the insurance adjuster seems intent on lowballing you or delaying your claim.

It’s a tale as old as time. Insurance companies are businesses, after all, and their primary goal is to maximize profits. But you deserve fair compensation for your injuries and damages. The question is—how do you get it when up against a stingy adjuster?

Insurance Adjusters – What Are They After?

Before diving into scare tactics, it helps to understand exactly what insurance adjusters aim to achieve. Their primary objectives include:

  • Minimizing payouts – The less they pay out per claim, the more profitable the insurance company. Adjusters use various tactics to lowball settlement offers.
  • Closing claims quickly – The faster a claim closes, the faster they move on. Adjusters may pressure claimants to accept premature offers.
  • Protecting the insurer’s interests – Adjusters work for the insurance company, not for you. They want to avoid setting precedents that could cost their employer.

Knowing this provides context for some of the dubious tactics adjusters employ. But it also reveals their motivations—and what scares them most.

How to Put the Fear in Insurance Adjusters

We don’t recommend intimidation or harassment. But certain strategic moves can put pressure on an adjuster to take your claim seriously. Here are a few tried and true techniques:

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Hire an Aggressive Personal Injury Attorney

The single most effective approach is retaining a personal injury lawyer to handle negotiations. Seasoned attorneys know all the tactics adjusters use and how to counter them.

With an attorney on your side, the adjuster loses their upper hand. They can no longer communicate directly with you or pressure you into accepting an unfair offer. Experienced lawyers also know how to value injury claims accurately. They can cite case law and provide evidence to demand full and fair compensation.

Don’t Rush Settlement

Insurance companies often try to push quick settlements before the full extent of your injuries and losses become clear. But settling too soon could shortchange you by thousands.

Make the adjuster nervous by sharing your intent to wait until you fully recover before discussing settlement. This shows you understand the process and can’t be rushed.

File Complaints for Bad Faith

If an adjuster uses unscrupulous tactics like deception or stalling, report them immediately to the insurance department. Complaints scare adjusters and put pressure on the insurer. Egregious or repeated bad faith could even cost the adjuster their job.

Be Prepared to Litigate

No adjuster wants a claim to go to court. It’s expensive and unpredictable for insurance companies. If an adjuster refuses to negotiate reasonably, your attorney can file a personal injury lawsuit on your behalf.

Merely suggesting your willingness to litigate if necessary can motivate an adjuster to take your claim more seriously.

Know Your Compensation Options

Another way to scare adjusters is by demonstrating your knowledge of potential damages. Adjusters want to minimize payouts, but you deserve maximum compensation. Common damages in injury claims include:

  • Medical expenses – Any doctor visits, procedures, hospital stays, devices, medication, or rehabilitation related to your injuries.
  • Lost income – If injuries prevented you from working for a period of time, you can claim lost wages.
  • Property damage – If your vehicle or other personal property was damaged in the crash.
  • Pain and suffering – You can claim compensation for physical and emotional distress.
  • Punitive damages – If the insurance company denies or delays your valid claim in bad faith, you may claim extra punitive damages.
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The precise value depends on the unique circumstances of your case. But knowing the range of damages available will prevent an adjuster from deceiving you.

Don’t Settle for Less Than You Deserve

After an accident, you need compensation to cover all losses – medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, property damage, and more.

An adjuster may pressure you to settle fast and suggest there are “caps” on what they can pay. Don’t believe it. Their job is to save the insurer money, not protect your rights.

With persistence and experienced legal representation, you can recover what you’re really owed. Don’t let a shrewd adjuster stand in the way of the settlement you deserve.

The attorneys at Hess Law Office are here to help after your accident in Oregon. Reach out to their team for a FREE consultation and case evaluation. Visit for more information.

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