Which two microscopes generate three-dimensional images

By Oscarjack 2 Min Read

Which two microscopes generate three-dimensional images ?


Which of the following two microscopes can produce three-dimensional images? SEM and STM stand for scanning electron microscopy and scanning tunnelling microscope, respectively. SEM (scanning electron microscope) and TEM (transmission electron microscope) A scanning tunnelling microscope and a transmission electron microscope are two types of microscopes. A compound light microscope and a scanning electron microscope are two types of microscopes.

The correct answer is

An electron microscope scan and a tunnelling microscope scan are the correct answers.

The SEM is a type of electron microscope that uses a focussed electron beam to scan the surface of a specimen to create three-dimensional pictures. The electrons of the atoms in the specimen generate a variety of signals, including information on the specimen’s composition and topography.

STM stands for scanning the surfaces of three-dimensional images at the atomic level with a device called a scanning tunnelling microscope. In this case, a solution with a depth of 0.01 nm and a lateral resolution of 0.1 nm is deemed enough.

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