Comparing Managed vs Unmanaged Dedicated Server Hosting in Mumbai

By BullEyes 7 Min Read

Deciding between managed and unmanaged devoted server website hosting may be a complex choice, particularly in case you’re seeking out dedicated server web hosting in Mumbai. Both options come with their execs and cons that we are going to cover these days. But first, what precisely is dedicated server web hosting? Simply placed, it is while you lease an entire server from a hosting provider rather than simply sharing the area on a bigger device.

This gives you more power, resources, and control – perfect for resource-intensive sites and apps in need of robust, dedicated server hosting Mumbai. Now back to managed vs unmanaged. With managed hosting, the provider takes care of maintenance, security, and updates for you. Unmanaged puts you in full control. There are good arguments on both sides, which we’ll get into next. But for sites and apps needing dedicated resources specifically in Mumbai, it’s an important decision. 

Alright, let’s jump into the details and compare managed and unmanaged dedicated server hosting options in Mumbai!

Managed hosting pros

Let’s start with the positives of managed dedicated server hosting in Mumbai. Having your hosting fully managed takes a load off your plate. The hosting provider will handle all the technical aspects like server maintenance, software updates, security patching, and monitoring. So you can focus on your business and website while they focus on keeping your server optimized and running smoothly. With managed hosting you’ll also get support when issues come up – their IT experts are available 24/7. Plus, managed hosts use enterprise-grade hardware, software, and data centers, so you get high performance, reliability, and redundancy without having to be a server expert yourself.

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Managed hosting cons

Of course, nothing is perfect, so managed hosting has some downsides too. Since you’re relying on the hosting provider for server admin and support, any issues on their end can negatively impact your site. It also gives you less server access and control compared to unmanaged. Managed hosting tends to cost more than unmanaged with all those services bundled in. You’re paying a premium for their expertise and labor. Shared managed hosting plans also put your server resources on hardware shared by other clients, so you have less isolation.

Unmanaged hosting pros

Now let’s look at the upsides of unmanaged dedicated hosting in Mumbai. Going unmanaged gives you total control over the server – you configure, manage, and administer it yourself. This allows for highly customized environments tailored to your app or site’s specific needs. Without management fees, unmanaged hosting also costs less than managed. And you have full access to root, admin, logs, and resources since you’re not going through another provider. For advanced developers and teams, unmanaged dedicated servers can be desirable for their flexibility and lack of restrictions.

Unmanaged hosting cons:

Unmanaged dedicated hosting isn’t without its downsides though. You take full responsibility for all server management, security, patching, updates, and monitoring. This requires substantial technical expertise that not all businesses have in-house. Downtime, slow performance, and security vulnerabilities can occur if you don’t stay on top of everything. Good luck troubleshooting server issues at 3 am! You also need to closely watch resource usage and optimize configurations yourself. Unmanaged hosting shifts a heavy IT and admin burden onto your team.

Managed cost versus unmanaged

When it comes to cost, managed hosting definitely comes at a premium over unmanaged to account for all those managed services and support. But the time savings and hassle reduction can be worth it for some businesses. With unmanaged, you avoid those monthly management fees, but you trade off having to pay salaries for expert staff to handle server admin. For complex sites and apps at scale though, the high-touch support of managed hosting can save you money compared to hiring multiple full-time server admins. It’s a case-by-case scenario.

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Managed security versus unmanaged

Security is a whole other factor to weigh. Managed hosting services stay on top of security patching, malware monitoring, DDoS mitigation, and firewalls for you. This can provide greater protection against threats and attacks. But unmanaged gives you a granular firewall and security app control yourself. Ultimately, security on either type of hosting depends a lot on the provider’s policies and precautions, as well as your own. But managed hosting shifts more of the security burden onto the provider compared to unmanaged where it’s all you.

Managed support versus unmanaged

The level of support you get differs quite a bit too. Managed hosting includes 24/7 monitoring and IT support from the provider’s team. You can rely on their experts to troubleshoot and fix any server issues. Unmanaged means you’re handling it yourself or finding your server support services. Backing up your unmanaged server is on you too. So consider the support depth your business needs when picking between the two options.

Mumbai data center options

Lastly, the data center location in Mumbai you choose for either managed or unmanaged hosting merits thought. Leading Mumbai facilities include Sify, Netmagic, CtrlS, and ESDS. Consider proximity to your users, connectivity, reliability track record, redundancies, and security measures. A reputable data center is critical for fast dedicated server hosting performance in Mumbai or anywhere else in India.


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