What Are Some Good Practices Every React JS Developer Should Follow?

By Oscarjack 8 Min Read

For front-end developers trying to create highly interactive user interfaces, you might already have React installed in your toolkit. When dealing with React-based creatives, be sure to follow React best practices. This way you can better organize your code for React Js Development Services.

As you know, React is a library created by Facebook and can be integrated with many interesting components. Virtually every developer creates their components and makes them available to the community. Here We mentioned some good practices which every React JS developer must follow:-

1. Reduce Components and Check Operation

As you know, React allows you to have huge components that do a lot of work. However, a better way to design components is to keep them small so that one component corresponds to one function. Ideally, individual components should render certain elements of the page or modify certain behaviors. Components for specific functions can be created independently, which facilitates testing and maintenance.

  • Each widget can be reused in multiple projects.
  • Components that perform common functions are available to the community.
  • The smaller the components, the easier it is to optimize performance.
  • It is easier to update small components.
  • Large components are difficult to run and can be difficult to maintain.

The balance between creating one compact component and multiple functional components varies from organization to organization. Either way, you can have multiple components and put them together in any way you want to achieve the same result.

2. Naming Components Using Functions

For easy identification, it is best to name the components according to the function they perform.

For example, ProductTable – immediately propagates component functionality. On the other hand, naming components according to the needs of your code can lead to confusion in the future.

Another example would be giving your component an avatar name so it can be used anywhere: author, user, comment, etc. Conversely, if a component is named AuthorAvatar as part of its usage, it limits the usefulness of that component.

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Additionally, using functions to name your components makes them more likely to be discovered, making them more useful to the React Development Services.

3. Use Uppercase Component Names

As with most people, if you use JavaScript (JSX) extensions, the component names you write should start with an uppercase letter. For example, name the component Select+Button instead of select_button, or Menu instead of a menu. This is because JSX recognizes it differently than the default HTML markup.

Older versions of React kept a list of all built-in names to distinguish them from custom names. However, as the list had to be constantly updated, it was deprecated and capital letters became the norm.

You can use lowercase if JSX is not your preferred language. However, this may reduce component reuse outside of the project.

4. Be Aware of Different Naming Conventions

When you use React, you typically use JavaScript (JSX) extension files. Therefore, the components you create for React should be named Pascal or Camel case. This means names without spaces and capitalizing the first letter of each word.

If you are writing a function that submits a form, you should name it uppercase SubmitForm instead of submitForm, submit_form, or submit_form. The big fist case is often called the Pascal case.

Keeps all files related to all components, including style files, in one folder.

If you have widgets that are only used by a specific component, it makes sense to put those little components in that component folder. This makes the hierarchy easier to understand. Large components have their folders, and all smaller components are divided into subfolders. This way you can easily pull the code into another project and modify the code at any time.

For a form component, for example, all parts such as CSS files, icons, images, tests, and other form-related subcomponents should be in the same folder. If you give your files sensible names and logically combine related files, you’ll have no trouble finding them later.

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6. Divide Into Long Lines According to The Fluff Rule

Lint is the process of running a program that scans code for potential errors.

Most of the time I use it for language-related issues. However, it can also automatically fix many other issues, especially code style. Using linters in your React code allows you to keep your code relatively buggy and bug-free.

7. Use Tools Like Bits

One of the React best practices to help you organize all of your React components is to use tools like Bit.

These React Development Services tools help you maintain and reuse your code. In particular, the ability to detect code facilitates team collaboration when building components. In addition, code can synchronize between projects.

8. Using Fragment Libraries

Code snippets will help you follow the best and most up-to-date syntax. It’s also one of the React best practices you shouldn’t miss because it helps keep your code relatively bug-free. Many snippet libraries are available, such as ES7 React, Redux, and JS snippets.

9. Create Tests For All Your Code

Proper testing in all programming languages ​​ensures that new code added to a project integrates well with existing code without breaking existing functionality. It’s a good idea to create tests for new components you want to create. As a good habit, you should create a __Test__ directory in your components directory to hold all relevant tests.

Testing in React can be broadly divided into two parts: functional testing services of components using a React application and testing of the entire application after it has been rendered in the browser. To test the latter type, you can use a cross-browser testing tool.

In the first case, you can use the JavaScript tester Jest to simulate HTML DOM and js-dom to test React components. Fully accurate testing is only possible in the browser on a real device, but Jest provides a good approximation of the real test environment during the development phase of your project.

Final Word

We hope this list of 9 React best practices will help you get your project on the right track and avoid issues that may arise in the future.

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